Who am I...really?

So as the first post I probably should tell you little about myself. I´m 24 years old automotive engineering student from Vantaa, Finland. Currently doing my seconde semester of the first year.
My background is heavily involved by automotive content from young age. I have studied car mechanics, car body repairs, automotive painting, motorsport mechanics and now engineering. From the motorsport side of things I have worked on formula 4 single seaters in racing series hold in Finland and Russia.
This place will be made to resemble my journey through school and its projects, freetime automotive content from hobbiest photography to motorsport builds and project cars. I´m hoping to get as many of you as I can to join my journey where I try to achieve a name for my self in one of the most exciting and brutal worlds.
Some of the Projects coming along this spring will be for example modifications for my newest car. BMW e36 325i coupe from 1993. There will be audio upgrades, suspension refresh/ upgrades and some engineering to make it a highest HP e36 in the nordics with naturally aspirated engine.
As the summer gets closer we will see also some motorcycle content as I´ll be making custom exhaust for my Suzuki GSX-R600, with some sort of blast pipes.
Hope to get as many of you as possible to join my journey to build and modify awesome old legends from various eras and nationalities.